Humanity has survived for thousands of years through sharing wisdom. Wisdom can be often compacted into a quote. As a quote enthusiast, a lover of randomness and surprise, and the possibility of synchronistic moment, bookmark beetles were born.
Renowned psychologist, Carl Jung first coined the term synchronicity. He first discovered his very own synchronicity during a therapy session with a patient. As that patient was recalling a dream of a beetle, at that exact moment a beetle flew onto the window, interrupting the session. Two unrelated events happening at one moment, creating a meaningful connection, is the definition of a synchronicity.
Our hope is that the quote inside the bookmark beetle creates a magical moment of synchronization in the life of the opener. Whether the quote is a piece of wisdom meant to be passed to another person, to discover a new author, to shed light on a situation in your life, we hope your bookmark beetle is a lantern in a world that can be otherwise dim.
Once the quotes are written and sealed, to know what’s inside can only be revealed by the person it’s meant for.
We have personally witnessed through ourselves and with others that these beetles can create a little magic in such a serious world. They stir awake the wonder we lose as we grow into adults.
Take a moment to open your heart and mind to find what’s inside a little sealed envelope meant just for you…
We have our stories, but we love to hear yours! As we were building our site, there was a quote we were looking for in our sea of quotes and we could not find it easily. Through a run in with a friend, a pack of the sample bookmark beetles was given to him. He decided to open an envelope on the spot, reading the exact quote we were looking for; creating a synchronistic moment. What is your bookmark beetle story? Share with us via email, instagram DM or tag in your own post.
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